곶감 때문에 해외 검색대에서 몇개 뺏김
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곶감 때문에 해외 검색대에서 몇개 뺏김

by K 61417 2022. 11. 24.

 해외붕인데 예전에 펄럭 놀러갔다가 곶감을 사갔단말임?

가족들 중에 곶감 좋아하는 사람이 있어서
펄럭에서 좀 비싼 곶감 한박스를 샀음
근데 공항검색대에 두시간 동안 잡혀있었음 ㅅㅂ
곶감 허연가루 묻어있잖어.. 저 하얀가루 뭐냐면서 개지랄함ㅅㅂ

마약탐지견 멍멍이도 존나 킁킁댐ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
와중에 내가 이거 개는 절대 먹이면 안된다 하니까 더 의심함..ㅠㅠ(강아지 곶감 먹음 안댐..)

내가 곶감 구글링해서 사진 보여주면서
봐라 이게 감을 말린건데 말리면 이케 하얀가루가 내추럴하게 올라온다
->아니다. 다른 사진을 봐라. 안 하얗다
->그건 반건조 아님 급속냉동이다. 그것도 놔두면 하얀가루가 난다
->하얀가루의 정체가 뭐냐
->나도 잘 모르는데 기다려봐라 (구글링) 아하..! 감 속의 당분이 하얗게 올라오는거라 한다
->영어로 된 문서를 내놔라
->싯빨ㅠㅠ 위키피디아를 읽어보자 다들ㅠㅠ

그래서 네명이서 다같이 dried persimmon 문서 읽음 ㅅㅂㅋㅋㅋㅋ
한국이 어떻게 감을 말리며 어떻게 생산해내는지도 같이 읽음ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
진짜 개다행인게 위키에 내 기억으론 화이트 크러스트가 바깥에 형성된다 이런 문구가 딱 한줄 있었음ㅅㅂㅋㅋㅋㅋ

그러다 한분이 긴가민가한 얼굴로 한입 먹어보고 존맛...!
하니까 네명이 다 먹어봄 시벨넘들이ㅠㅠ
내가 맛있지?? 안에 씨도 없어! 하니까 존나 꿀떡꿀떡 삼킴ㅠㅠ
원래 규칙상 절대 이렇게 먹어보는 경우 없다고 하면서 한놈이 하나 더 먹음......
계속 자기들 이렇게 먹어보거나 맛보는 경우 네버 없다고 강조함....



Dried persimmon is a type of traditional dried fruit snack in East Asia. Known as shìbǐng (柿餅) in Chinese, hoshigaki (干し柿) in Japanese, and gotgam (곶감) in Korean, it is traditionally made in the winter, by air drying Oriental persimmon. It is also used to make wine, put in traditional tea, and in creating other desserts.

In Korea, the persimmons are peeled and dried, tied with saekki (rice straw ropes) and hung in sunny, well-ventilated place, for example to the eaves of the house. When the color turns brown and the outer part hardens, the seeds are removed and the persimmons are sealed again and flattened. After around three weeks, when the fruits reach 75% of their original weight, they are covered in dried rice straw and stored in a box in a cool place until the drying process is completed, and a white powdery crust of persimmon sugar forms on the outside.

Sangju in North Gyeongsang Province is famous for its dried persimmons.

그리고 겉에 하얀 가루로 된 감당탕 껍데기가 형성되어 있습니다.

